Prof. Takahiro Namazu
Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan
Biography: Takahiro Namazu is a Professor with the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS), Japan. He is currently engaged in studies on functional film materials, such as self-propagating exothermic materials, and their applications to micro/nano electro-mechanical systems (NMEMS). His research interests also include the development of material testing techniques for measuring the mechanical properties of micro/nanoscale materials, such as carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires, which focuses on clarifying the nanomaterials’ size effect phenomena and these mechanisms. The evaluation of the reliability of NMEMS and semiconductor devices is included as well in his interests for realizing the design of ultra-long life microdevices.
Dr. Namazu has earned over 20 research awards for his outstanding materials research results and his contributions to the evolution of the micro/nanoscale materials science field in the world.
Prof. Kwang Leong Choy
Duke Kunshan University, China
Biography: Kwang Leong Choy is a Professor of Materials Science and
Co-Director of the Environment Research Centre at Duke Kunshan University
(DKU). She holds a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Oxford and a
Doctor of Science from the University of Nottingham. Before joining DKU, she
was a faculty member at Imperial College London and the University of
Nottingham, and later served as a professor and the founding Director of the
Institute for Materials Discovery at University College London (UCL).
Professor Choy has been awarded Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Mining
and Minerals (FIMMM) and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).
Her outstanding contributions have been recognized with prestigious awards,
including the Grunfeld Medal Prize and the Kroll Medal & Prize. With over
330 publications, four authored books, and 20 patents to her name, she is a
prolific researcher and innovator.
Professor Choy has delivered more than
150 plenary talks, keynote addresses, and invited lectures at international
conferences. Her work has earned her the Award of Excellence from the
Association of American Publishers, and since 2019, she has been
consistently ranked among the world’s top 1% most-cited scientists by
Stanford University. Her research focuses on the fundamental and applied
studies of earth-abundant materials, eco-friendly processes, and
sustainability, with a strong track record of translating cutting-edge
technologies into real-world applications.
Prof. Hisaki Watari
Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Biography: Hisaki Watari is a Professor in Divion of Mechanical
Engineering at Faculty of Science and Technology of Tokyo Denki University
(Hatoyama Campus) since April 2015. From 2017 to the present, he served as
Division Chair of the Division of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of
Science and Technology at Tokyo Denki University. He received a B.Engng.
from Kyushu University in Naval Architecture, 1985 in the School of
Engineering at Kyushu University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical System
engineering from Gunma University in Japan, 2006. Since April in 1988, he
worked at Oyama National College of Technology as a Research Associate,
Lecturer and Associate Professor until November 2006. Between 1999 and 2000,
he visited at UMIST as a visiting researcher of Japanese Government. From
November 2006 to March 2015, he worked as a Associate Professor and a
Professor at Gunma University. From April 2015 to the present, he has been
working at Tokyo Denki University as a full-time Professor. He has served as
a chair of the Japan Association of Aluminum Forging Technology since 2014.
His research interests span both manufacturing process and material
science. Much of his work has been on improving the understanding,
manufacturing, material processing, mainly through the application of
casting of magnesium alloys and aluminum alloy, shaping such as cold roll
forming and hot forging. In the roll casting of magnesium alloys, he has
worked on characterizing the casting of rapid cooling of magnesium alloys by
twin-roll casting. He is now the chair of the Japan Association of Aluminum
Forging Technology. He has published a lot of research papers in journals
and conducting works relating materials processing technology of light
metals, such as aluminum and magnesium alloys.